Cookie Policy
A cookie is a small piece of data that is stored on your computer or mobile device. Like many websites, The Little House of Horrors uses cookies to enhance your experience and for analytics, which is very important to us. We respect your privacy and your personal date is safe with us. We don’t share your data with other parties.
If you wish to be updated by The Little House of Horrors by newsletter, we’ll ask your name and email address. You can always unsubscribe. You’re personal data will be erased if you do.
If you make a donation (which will help us create more content and continue this website without the displeasure of external advertisments), your name will be listed on the eternal thank you page. If you don’t want that, please let us know by sending an e-mail to info@thelittlehouseofhorrors.com.
Cover photo: Kaytee Riek via flickr CC BY NC SA 2.0